What Makes A Happy City
Placemaking | Urban |

What Makes A Happy City?

What are the key ingredients in creating a happy? Is it the buildings, the people or perhaps there’s some indefinable secret sauce or magic that creates a liveable and loveable city? In conjunction with the UN International Day of Happiness on 20th March, Think City Managing Director Hamdan Abdul Majeed spoke to BFM89.9 about his vision for the development of happiness in Malaysia’s cities, and the crucial role that a city’s inhabitants have to play in defining the future development of their urban environments. ...

Placemaking | Urban |

The Reflex: Resilience In The Age Of Pandemia

For the past few weeks we’ve been focusing on sustainable urbanisation as outlined in the World Cities Report 2020, launched by UN-Habitat at the end of October. The Citymaker spoke to one of the report’s early contributors, Think City’s Programme Director, Dr Matt Benson, about the urgent need for cities to be more reflexive and to cope with the pandemics and shocks that are expected in the future. ...

COVID-19 | Reflexive City |

Pandemic Pioneers: Inspiring Moments of 2020

As we head Into the final month of this strange year, we’re changing up the format of the next few shows to bring you some of the major stories that have marked or Inspired us this year. This week, the role that new working practices have played in keeping us safe from the coronavirus in 2020, and how those same safeguards may be used against us in the future....

Placemaking | Urban |

Your Cities at Eye Level

How often do we fail to really see the places we call home? We often take the spaces we occupy for granted - ignoring the pothole we walk around every day, or tuning out the neighbour who forgotten folk songs every morning. ...