Waste Not, Want Not: Better Ways To Restore Our Earth
Reflexive City | Sustainability |

Waste Not, Want Not: Fashion & The Fight For The Planet

This week we are celebrating Earth Day, the annual global event that involves more than a billion people in almost 200 countries demonstrating their support for the planet and protection of the environment. This year the theme is Restore Our Earth, and as part of a week-long programme of activities, Think City Institute has partnered with Finds of Bukit Kiara, Habitat Penang Fashion Revolution to present a series of virtual workshops and talk and film screenings. ...

New Maps Reveal Malaysia's Rapidly Heating Cities
Climate | Urban |

Successful Greening: The Warning Effects Of Urban Heat Islands

In March, Think City published the results of a land surface which revealed marked increases in the peak land surface temperatures of five Malaysian cities over several decades. The links between increases in temperature, climate change and urban expansion are well established, as is the challenge they pose for the liveability of cities, human health and urban wildlife....

Placemaking | Urban |

Penang Bay Ideas: An Exciting Social Win For SDG Zones

The Penang State Government recently announced the top prize winners of the Penang Bay International Ideas Competition. Launched in August 2020, the competition was designed to invite innovative ideas from around the world to transform the Penang Bay area into a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) compliant city zone and economic area. ...

The Knowledge that Creates Better Cities
Climate | Community | Heritage | Urban |

The Understanding that Creates Better Cities

We're in the middle of an increasingly complicated and contentious conversation about data, its ownership and its uses. As individuals, we increasingly see the kind of data gathered by big technology firms as a threat to our privacy, especially as the commercialization and commodification of that data has given rise to new forms of governance and economic power, especially in cities, as outlined in the theory of surveillance capitalism devised by the social psychologist and Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff....

Community | Reflexive City |

Impossible Foods And Ghost Kitchens: Their Resourceful Rise

Matt and Maya begin to look forward to 2021 and outline the rising popularity of plant-based meat alternatives like the Impossible Burger as part of a healthier diet and as a more sustainable way for the global food industry to meet the world’s growing protein needs. On the flip side, they also discuss the emerging Ghost Kitchens phenomenon and how it can provide coworking food preparation spaces and entrepreneurial cultivation services for food startups, particularly within underprivileged communities. ...

Business | COVID-19 | Urban |

The Strange Year Of WFH

Matt Armitage

It’s been a minute. If there’s one phrase that perfectly sums up 2020, that could be it. A year that has seemed both endless and fleeting. We’ve drifted through it in a blur of groundhog days punctuated by fear and uncertainty. For those of us fortunate enough to have kept our jobs, or found new ones, and have been able to work from home, the last vestiges of work-life balance have probably disappeared. ...

Placemaking | Urban |

The Reflex: Resilience In The Age Of Pandemia

For the past few weeks we’ve been focusing on sustainable urbanisation as outlined in the World Cities Report 2020, launched by UN-Habitat at the end of October. The Citymaker spoke to one of the report’s early contributors, Think City’s Programme Director, Dr Matt Benson, about the urgent need for cities to be more reflexive and to cope with the pandemics and shocks that are expected in the future. ...

Sustainability | Urban |

The Value of Sustainable Urbanization

Around the globe, over a million people per week move into urban areas. This level of growth presents enormous challenges for governing agencies who struggle with the capacity and finance to meet the growing demand for infrastructure and services. ...