Business | COVID-19 | Urban |

The Strange Year Of WFH

Matt Armitage

It’s been a minute. If there’s one phrase that perfectly sums up 2020, that could be it. A year that has seemed both endless and fleeting. We’ve drifted through it in a blur of groundhog days punctuated by fear and uncertainty. For those of us fortunate enough to have kept our jobs, or found new ones, and have been able to work from home, the last vestiges of work-life balance have probably disappeared. ...

Placemaking | Urban |

The Reflex: Resilience In The Age Of Pandemia

For the past few weeks we’ve been focusing on sustainable urbanisation as outlined in the World Cities Report 2020, launched by UN-Habitat at the end of October. The Citymaker spoke to one of the report’s early contributors, Think City’s Programme Director, Dr Matt Benson, about the urgent need for cities to be more reflexive and to cope with the pandemics and shocks that are expected in the future. ...

COVID-19 |

Policymaking in the age of crisis

Adlan Farhan

Here are highlights from our Earth Week webinar on Adaptive Policymaking in the Age of Crisis, hosted by Think City Institute. The recent outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic exposed the...