New Maps Reveal Malaysia's Rapidly Heating Cities
Climate | Urban |

Successful Greening: The Warning Effects Of Urban Heat Islands

In March, Think City published the results of a land surface which revealed marked increases in the peak land surface temperatures of five Malaysian cities over several decades. The links between increases in temperature, climate change and urban expansion are well established, as is the challenge they pose for the liveability of cities, human health and urban wildlife....

What Makes A Happy City
Placemaking | Urban |

What Makes A Happy City?

What are the key ingredients in creating a happy? Is it the buildings, the people or perhaps there’s some indefinable secret sauce or magic that creates a liveable and loveable city? In conjunction with the UN International Day of Happiness on 20th March, Think City Managing Director Hamdan Abdul Majeed spoke to BFM89.9 about his vision for the development of happiness in Malaysia’s cities, and the crucial role that a city’s inhabitants have to play in defining the future development of their urban environments. ...

Mobility | Placemaking |

The New Global Natives: Discover Your Next Home

Given how hard it is to travel in the current climate, it might seem like a strange time to be talking about digital nomads and global natives, those lucky workers who have managed to escape from the constraints of the nine to five, the office cubicle and the commute and have created career opportunities for themselves that allow them to travel and work remotely....