Women's Safety
Reflexive City | Urban |

Reclaim The Streets: Women’s Safety In Downtown KL

For the past few weeks we’ve been talking about the planned revitalisation of the downtown districts of Kuala Lumpur. There's no point bringing new life, new businesses and a sense of renewed creativity and vigour to a neighbourhood unless its residents and those that use it feels safe. ...

What Makes A Happy City
Placemaking | Urban |

What Makes A Happy City?

What are the key ingredients in creating a happy? Is it the buildings, the people or perhaps there’s some indefinable secret sauce or magic that creates a liveable and loveable city? In conjunction with the UN International Day of Happiness on 20th March, Think City Managing Director Hamdan Abdul Majeed spoke to BFM89.9 about his vision for the development of happiness in Malaysia’s cities, and the crucial role that a city’s inhabitants have to play in defining the future development of their urban environments. ...

Placemaking | Urban |

Penang Bay Ideas: An Exciting Social Win For SDG Zones

The Penang State Government recently announced the top prize winners of the Penang Bay International Ideas Competition. Launched in August 2020, the competition was designed to invite innovative ideas from around the world to transform the Penang Bay area into a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) compliant city zone and economic area. ...

Placemaking | Urban |

Restoring Stadium Merdeka: For the Record

Professor Ar. Laurence Loh shares the inside story behind the highly successful restoration of Stadium Merdeka. Explore the personal agendas and missions of key personalities in Badan Warisan Malaysia as Professor Loh describes the conversations that led up to the execution of the project....

Placemaking | Urban |

Placemaking For A Post-Pandemic World

The Citymaker speaks to citymakers Charlot Schans and Siënna Veelders, advisors at Dutch urban development bureau STIPO about their vision for placemaking in a post-pandemic world and their roles as co-curators of The City at Eye Level Asia, a new book showcasing some of the most creative approaches to creating liveable and lovable cities in South East Asia....

Community | Reflexive City |

The Park. Citizen Democracy In A Digital Era

In the wake of the US Presidential elections, the Reflexive City looks at the growing polarisation in societies around the world. Looking at a fascinating op-ed by social entrepreneur and activist Eli Pariser, co-founder of Upworthy, Maya and Matt ask if the future of citizen democracy lies in adapting some the lessons and learnings of the public park movement and applying them to our digital spaces. ...