The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors – Annual Conference 2023 "Exploring Infinity with Our Expertise for an Age-friendly Future"
HONG KONG, Sept. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) hosted its Annual Conference today at The Ritz-Carlton, themed ‘Exploring Infinity with Our Expertise for an Age-friendly Future’. This year, the Annual Conference utilized a combination of online and offline modes and attracted a large number of attendees, with over 400 industry professionals in attendance. Government officials, business heads, industry experts and academics gathered at the conference for a forward-looking discussion on making Hong Kong an age-friendly city. Mr WONG Wai Lun, Michael, GBS, JP, Deputy Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, joined us as the Guest of Honour of the Conference.
In view of Hong Kong’s ageing population, the ageing communities and buildings, and the increasing average age of the employed population, the Annual Conference brought together a number of distinguished speakers to review and discuss the current social policies, systems and urban design to cope with the ageing of the overall population, working population and buildings. Covering the diversified use of innovative technology and design to keep up with the times in terms of architectural planning and design, the speakers also shared their insights on building a liveable city for all ages starting from residential units to community planning.
During the Annual Conference, Mr WONG Wai Lun, Michael, GBS, JP, Deputy Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government delivered a speech discussing the three major aspects of the future city: urban space, social inclusion, economic development, and innovative technology. He stated, "The government has formulated a projection for land supply in the next decade, with an estimated development land supply of 3,280 hectares between 2023 and 2033. We have also identified land to provide approximately 360,000 public housing units during the same period and strive to construct around 30,000 transitional public housing units in the next five years. The ‘Hong Kong 2030+’ plan takes into account the improvement of living spaces when assessing future land demand. With the increase in the elderly population, there will be a growing demand for welfare facilities. The government has announced that approximately 5% of the total usable floor area of new public housing development projects will be dedicated to welfare purposes. To ensure that urban planning works are in public interest, our urban planning system provides ample opportunities for public participation. Looking ahead, the government will make every effort to promote the development of the Northern Metropolis and the Kau Yi Chau artificial islands, expanding and enhancing Hong Kong’s development. We hope to continue working hand in hand with the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and industry professionals to jointly create a better future for our city."
The Annual Conference was divided into three sessions, with nine industry leaders, experts and scholars sharing their insights on this topic. Speakers including Ms CHAN Man Yee, Grace, Business Director of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, discussed the ‘Innovating Elderly Services: Enhancing the Quality of Life for Age-friendly Hong Kong‘, while Sr HO Chi Wai, Daniel, Director of Building Rehabilitation, talked about ‘Rehabilitation or dilapidation?’ and Mr CHUNG Man Kit Ivan, JP, Director of Planning, Planning Department of HKSAR Government shared the topic of ‘An Inclusive and Age-friendly Future – San Tin Technopole and Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands’. These topics aroused enthusiastic discussions both on-site and online.
Sr WONG Kwok Leung, Paul, President of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, said, "The six divisions of the HKIS have been working together with their surveying expertise to provide suggestions and guidelines to the government, the industry, and the public, with the objective of promoting better urban planning for the development of an inclusive cosmopolitan society.’
Sr LEUNG Chi Tim, Robin, Vice-President of the HKIS and Chairman of the Annual Conference Organizing Committee noted in his closing remarks, "The conference encapsulated the possibility of building an age-friendly community. Through mutual discussions, not only can we explore the possibility of developing such community from different professional perspectives, but also make Hong Kong a sustainable city."
List of speakers(in order of speech delivery)
Mr WONG Wai Lun, Michael, GBS, JP, Deputy Financial Secretary, HKSAR Government (Guest of Honour) |
Ms CHAN Man Yee, Grace, Walter, Business Director, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |
Mr WONG Kim Yeung, Bryan, Head of Charities (Positive Ageing & Elderly Care), The Hong Kong Jockey Club |
Dr LAM Ching Choi, SBS, JP, Chief Executive Officer, Haven of Hope Christian Service |
Sr HO Chi Wai, Daniel, Director of Building Rehabilitation, Urban Renewal Authority |
Ar. CHOI Wun Hing, Donald, JP, Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer, Chinachem Group |
Ms Rosana WONG, MH, Deputy Chair, Yau Lee Holdings Limited |
Mr CHUNG Man Kit, Ivan, JP, Director of Planning, Planning Department, HKSAR Government |
Dr NG Ka Man, Carmen, Director of Social and Elderly Wellness, Hong Kong Housing Society |
Prof Jean WOO, Emeritus Professor of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Hong Kong |
Mr WONG Wai Lun, Michael, GBS, JP, Deputy Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, (7th from right), Sr WONG Kwok Leung, Paul, President, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (7th from left), Sr LEUNG Chi Tim, Robin, HKIS Vice-President and Chairman of Annual Conference 2023 Organising Committee (6th from right) and Members of HKIS Executive Committee at the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Annual Conference 2023
About HKIS
Established in 1984, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) is the only surveying professional body incorporated by ordinance in Hong Kong. As of 8 August 2023, the number of members reached 10,722, including 7,683 corporate members, 22 associate members and 2984 probationers and student members. HKIS work includes setting standards for professional services and performance, establishing codes of ethics, determining requirements for admission as professional surveyors, and encouraging members to upgrade skills through continuing professional development.
The Institute has an important consultative role in government policy making and on issues affecting the profession. We have advised the government on issues such as building safety and unauthorized building works, problems of property management, town planning and development strategies, construction quality, construction costs and housing problems. We have also issued guidance notes on floor area measurement, real estate valuation and land boundary survey, etc. We have an established presence in the international arenas, have overseas connections, and have entered into reciprocal agreements with professional surveying and valuation institutes overseas and in Mainland China, recognizing the counterpart’s member’s qualifications. In addition, HKIS is a member of various leading international surveying organisations.
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